Course Materials
CS2501H: Discrete Mathematics (Honor) (Zhiyuan Honor Course)
AU7022H: Stochastic Methods in Systems & Control (Honor) (Zhiyuan Honor Course)
Formal Methods in Dynamic Systems [Course Videos] (summer school course taugt at Xiamen University)
Part I: Formal Modeling with Labeled Transition Systems [Slides 1]
Part II: Formal Properties, Bisimulation & Abstraction [Slides 2]
Part III Linear Temporal Logics [Slides 3]
Part IV: Automata-Based Verification of LTL [Slides 4]
Part V: Game-Based LTL Control Synthesis [Slides 5]
MEM6003: Engineering Economics (National MEM Online Exemplary Course)
Courses Taught by Year
Fall 2024, CS2501H: Discrete Mathematics (Honor), undergraduate course for Zhiyuan Honor Program, 48 Hours.
Fall 2024, IINF-04/A: Formal Verification and Synthesis for Dynamical Systems: A Temporal-Logic-Based Approach, PhD courses at University of Cagliari, 4 Hours.
Fall 2023, CS2501H: Discrete Mathematics (Honor), undergraduate course for Zhiyuan Honor Program, 48 Hours. (A0 Level, Ranked 21/999 in overall SJTU courses)
Fall 2022, CS2501H: Discrete Mathematics (Honor), undergraduate course for Zhiyuan Honor Program, 48 Hours. (A0 Level, Ranked 10/993 in overall SJTU courses)
Fall 2021, CS2501H: Discrete Mathematics (Honor), undergraduate course for Zhiyuan Honor Program, 48 Hours. (A0 Level, Ranked 2/944 in overall SJTU courses)
Fall 2020, CS2501H: Discrete Mathematics (Honor), undergraduate course for Zhiyuan Honor Program, 48 Hours. (A0 Level, Ranked 19/917 in overall SJTU courses)
Fall 2020, GE6001: Scientific Writing, Integrity and Ethics, graduate course, 16 Hours.
Fall 2019, GE6001: Scientific Writing, Integrity and Ethics, graduate course, 16 Hours.
Teaching Awards