Publications   [By Category]   [By Year]    ("___" denotes my students; "*" denotes corresponding author)


  1. Bohan Cui, Xinyi Yu, S. Li and X. Yin. “A Stackelberg game approach for signal temporal logic control synthesis with uncontrollable agent.” submitted. [PDF]

  2. Ruijia Liu, Ancheng Hou, X. Yu and X. Yin. “Zero-shot trajectory planning for signal temporal logic tasks.” submitted. [PDF]

  3. Yu Chen, Yuda Li, S. Li and X. Yin. “Distributionally robust control synthesis for stochastic systems with safety and reach-avoid specifications.” submitted. [PDF]

  4. Bohan Cui, Z. Ma, S. Li and X. Yin. “On epistemic properties in discrete-event systems: A uniform framework and its applications.” submitted. [PDF]

  5. Yu Chen, S. Li and X. Yin. “Entropy rate maximization of Markov decision processes under linear temporal logic tasks.” submitted. [PDF]

  6. Shuo Yang, Yu Chen, X. Yin and R. Mangharam. “Learning local control barrier functions for safety control of hybrid systems.” submitted. [PDF]

  7. Xinyi Yu, Y. Zhao, X. Yin and L. Lindemann. “Signal temporal logic control synthesis among uncontrollable dynamic agents with conformal prediction.” submitted. [PDF]

  8. B. Zhong, W. Dong, X. Yin and M. Zamani. “Verification of diagnosability for cyber-physical systems: A hybrid barrier certificate approach.” submitted. [PDF]

Book Chapters and Review Papers

  1. X. Yin, B. Gao and X. Yu. “Formal synthesis of controllers for safety-critical autonomous systems: developments and challenges.” Annual Reviews in Control, 57:100940, 2024. [PDF]

  2. S. Liu, A. Trivedi, X. Yin* and M. Zamani. “Secure-by-construction synthesis of cyber-physical systems.” Annual Reviews in Control, 53:30-50, 2022. (Vision Article) [PDF]

  3. C. Shang, X. Yin and T. Xue. “Toward distributional robustness in control: An emerging data-driven paradigm.” Encyclopedia of Systems and Control Engineering, 2024. [PDF]

  4. X. Yin. “Estimation and verification of partially-observed discrete-event systems.” Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 2019. [PDF]

Journal Papers

  1. Jianing Zhao, Keyi Zhu, Mingyang Feng, S. Li and X. Yin*. “No-regret path planning for temporal logic tasks in partially-known environments.” International Journal of Robotics Research, accepted, 2025.

  2. S. Liu, X. Yin*, D. Dimarogonas and M. Zamani. “On approximate opacity of stochastic control systems.” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, accepted, 2025. (Full Paper) [PDF]

  3. Yifan Xie, S. Li and X. Yin*. “Optimal synthesis of opacity-enforcing supervisors for qualitative and quantitative specifications.” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 69(8):4958-4973, 2024. (Full Paper) [PDF]

  4. J. Wang, S. Baldi, W. Yu and X. Yin. “Distributed fault diagnosis in discrete event systems with transmission delay impairments.” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 69(8):5508-5515, 2024. [PDF]

  5. Jianing Zhao, S. Li and X. Yin*. “A unified framework for verification of observational properties for partially-observed discrete-event systems.” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 69(7):4710-4717, 2024. [PDF]

  6. R. Liu, J. Lu, Y. Liu, X. Yin and C.N. Hadjicostis. “Opacity enforcement via greedy privately-and-publicly known insertion functions.” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 69(4):2500-2506, 2024. [PDF]

  7. Weijie Dong, X. Yin* and S. Li. “A uniform framework for diagnosis of discrete-event systems with unreliable sensors using linear temporal logic.” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 69(1):145-160, 2024. (Full Paper) [PDF]

  8. N. Li, K. Zhang, Z. Li, V. Srivastava and X. Yin. “Cloud-assisted nonlinear model predictive control for finite-duration tasks.” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 68(9):5287-5300, 2023. (Full Paper) [PDF]

  9. Shuo Yang and X. Yin*. “Secure your intention: On notions of pre-opacity in discrete-event systems.” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 68(8):4754-4766, 2023. (Full Paper) [PDF]

  10. Yifan Xie, X. Yin* and S. Li. “Opacity enforcing supervisory control using non-deterministic supervisors.” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 67(12):6567-6582, 2022. (Full Paper) [PDF]

  11. Zhaocong Liu, X. Yin*, S. Shu, F. Lin and S. Li. “Online supervisory control of networked discrete-event systems with control delays.” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 67(5):2314-2329, 2022. (Full Paper) [PDF]

  12. Y. Ji, X. Yin* and S. Lafortune. “Local mean payoff supervisory control for discrete event systems.” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 67(5):2282-2297, 2022. (Full Paper) [PDF]

  13. Z. Ma, X. Yin and Z.-W. Li. “Marking predictability and prediction in labeled Petri nets.” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 66(8):3608-3623, 2021. (Full Paper) [PDF]

  14. X. Yin, M. Zamani and S. Liu. “On approximate opacity of cyber-physical systems.” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 66(4):1630-1645, 2021. (Full Paper) [PDF]

  15. X. Yin and S. Li. “Synthesis of dynamic masks for infinite-step opacity.” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 65(4):1429-1441, 2020. (Full Paper)[PDF]

  16. K. Zhang, X. Yin and M. Zamani. “Opacity of nondeterministic transition systems: A (bi)simulation relation approach.” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 64(12):5116-5123, 2019. [PDF]

  17. Y. Ji, X. Yin and S. Lafortune. “Opacity enforcement using nondeterministic publicly-known edit functions.” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 64(10):4369-4376, 2019. [PDF]

  18. X. Yin, J. Chen, Z. Li and S. Li. “Robust fault diagnosis of stochastic discrete event systems.” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 64(10):4237-4244, 2019. [PDF]

  19. X. Yin and S. Lafortune. “Synthesis of maximally-permissive non-blocking supervisors for the lower-bound containment problem.” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 63(12):4435-4441, 2018. [PDF]

  20. X. Yin and S. Lafortune. “Minimization of sensor activation in decentralized discrete event systems.” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 63(11):3705-3718, 2018. (Full Paper) [PDF]

  21. X. Yin. “Verification of prognosability for labeled Petri nets.” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 63(6):1828-1834, 2018. [PDF]

  22. X. Yin and S. Lafortune. “On the decidability and complexity of diagnosability for labeled Petri nets.” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 62(11):5931-5938, 2017. [PDF][Correction]

  23. X. Yin and S. Lafortune. “Synthesis of maximally-permissive supervisors for the range control problem.” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 62(8):3914-3929, 2017. (Full Paper) [PDF]

  24. X. Yin. “Supervisor synthesis for mealy automata with output functions: A model transformation approach.” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 62(5):2576-2581, 2017. [PDF]

  25. X. Yin and S. Lafortune. “Decentralized supervisory control with intersection-based architecture.” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 61(11):3644-3650, 2016. [PDF]

  26. X. Yin and S. Lafortune. “A uniform approach for synthesizing property-enforcing supervisors for partially-observed discrete-event systems.” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 61(8):2140-2154, 2016. (Full Paper) [PDF]

  27. X. Yin and S. Lafortune. “Synthesis of maximally permissive supervisors for partially observed discrete event systems.” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 61(5):1239-1254, 2016. (Full Paper) [PDF]

  28. Weijie Dong, K. Zhang, S. Li and X. Yin*. “On the verification of detectability for timed discrete event systems.” Automatica, 164:111644, 2024. (Regular Paper) [PDF]

  29. Peng Lv, Z. Xu, Y, Ji, S. Li and X. Yin*. “Optimal supervisory control of discrete event systems for cyclic tasks.” Automatica, 164:111634, 2024. (Regular Paper) [PDF]

  30. Xinyi Yu, Weijie Dong, S. Li and X. Yin*. “Model predictive monitoring of dynamical systems for signal temporal logic specifications.” Automatica, 160:111445, 2024. (Regular Paper) [PDF]

  31. Jingshi Yao, S. Li and X. Yin*. “Sensor deception attacks against security in supervisory control systems.” Automatica, 159:111330, 2024. (Regular Paper) [PDF]

  32. Junyao Hou, X. Yin* and S. Li. “A framework for current-state opacity under dynamic information release mechanism.” Automatica, 140:110238, 2022. (Regular Paper) [PDF]

  33. Z. Ma, X. Yin and Z.-W. Li. “Verification and enforcement of strong infinite- and k-step opacity using state recognizers.” Automatica, 133:109838, 2021. [PDF]

  34. Z. Ma, X. Yin and Z.-W. Li. “Marking diagnosability verification in labeled Petri nets.” Automatica, 131: 109713, 2021.[PDF]

  35. Yang Liu, Zhaocong Liu, X. Yin* and S. Li. “An improved approach for verifying delayed detectability of discrete-event systems.” Automatica, 124: 109291, 2021.[PDF]

  36. Y. Ji, X. Yin* and S. Lafortune. “Optimal supervisory control with mean payoff objectives and under partial observation.” Automatica, 123:109359, 2021. (Regular Paper) [PDF]

  37. Y. Ji, X. Yin* and S. Lafortune. “Enforcing opacity by insertion functions under multiple energy constraints.” Automatica, 108:108476, 2019. (Regular Paper) [PDF]

  38. T. Bai, S. Li, Y. Zou and X. Yin. “Block-based minimum input design for the structural controllability of complex networks.” Automatica, 107:68-76, 2019. [PDF]

  39. X. Yin and S. Lafortune. “A general approach for optimizing dynamic sensor activations for discrete event systems.” Automatica, 105: 376-383, 2019. [PDF]

  40. T. Masopust and X. Yin*. “Deciding detectability of labeled Petri nets.” Automatica, 104: 238-241, 2019. [PDF]

  41. T. Masopust and X. Yin. “Complexity of detectability, opacity and A-diagnosability for modular discrete event systems.” Automatica, 101: 290-295, 2019. [PDF]

  42. X. Yin, Z. Li, W. Wang and S. Li. “Infinite-step opacity and K-step opacity of stochastic discrete-event systems.” Automatica, 99:266-274, 2019. [PDF]

  43. X. Yin and S. Lafortune. “Verification complexity of a class of observational properties for modular discrete events systems.” Automatica, 83:199-205, 2017. [PDF]

  44. X. Yin. “Initial-state detectability of stochastic discrete-event systems with probabilistic sensor failures.” Automatica, 80:127-134, 2017. [PDF]

  45. X. Yin and S. Lafortune. “A new approach for the verification of infinite-step and K-step opacity using two-way observers.” Automatica, 80:162-171, 2017. (Regular Paper) [PDF]

  46. X. Yin and Z. Li. “Decentralized fault prognosis of discrete event systems with guaranteed performance bound.” Automatica, 69:375-379, 2016. [PDF]

  47. X. Yin and S. Lafortune. “Codiagnosability and coobservability under dynamic observations: Transformation and verification.” Automatica, 61:241-252, 2015. (Regular Paper) [PDF]

  48. Siqi Wang, X.-Y. Yin, S. Li, and X. Yin*. “Tractable reinforcement learning for signal temporal logic tasks with counterfactual experience replay.” IEEE Control Systems Letters, 8:616-621, 2024. [PDF]

  49. Z. He, J. Yuan, N. Ran and X. Yin*. “Security-based path planning of multi-robot systems by partially observed Petri nets and integer linear programming.” IEEE Control Systems Letters, 8:352-357, 2024. [PDF]

  50. W. Shi, Z. He, Z. Ma, N. Ran and X. Yin. “Security-preserving multi-robot path planning for Boolean specification tasks using labeled Petri nets.” IEEE Control Systems Letters, 7:2017-2022, 2023. [PDF]

  51. Junyao Hou, S. Liu, X. Yin* and M. Zamani. “Abstraction-based verification of approximate pre-opacity for control systems.” IEEE Control Systems Letters, 7:1087-1092, 2023. [PDF]

  52. Chuwei Wang, Xinyi Yu, Jianing Zhao, L. Lindemann and X. Yin*. “Sleep when everything looks fine: Self-triggered monitoring for signal temporal logic tasks.” IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 9(10):8983-8990, 2024. [PDF]

  53. Bohan Cui, Feifei Huang, S. Li and X. Yin*. “Robust temporal logic task planning for multi-robot systems under permanent robot failures.” IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, accepted, 2025.

  54. Shuo Yang, Junyao Hou, X. Yin* and S. Li. “Opacity of networked supervisory control systems over insecure communication channels.” IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, 8(2):884-896, 2021. [PDF]

  55. X. Yin and Z. Li. “Decentralized fault prognosis of discrete-event systems using state-estimate-based protocols.” IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 49(4):1302-1313, 2019. [PDF]

  56. K. Zhang, Z. Li, X. Yin and L. Han. “Resource provision for cloud-enabled automotive vehicles with a hierarchical model.” IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 53(3):1466-1478, 2023. [PDF]

  57. X. Yin and Z. Li. “Reliable decentralized fault prognosis of discrete-event systems.” IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 46(11):1598-1603, 2016. [PDF]

  58. X. Yin. “A belief-evolution-based approach for online control of fuzzy discrete-event systems under partial observation.” IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 25(6):1830-1836, 2017. [PDF]

  59. M. Han, Z. Li, X. Yin and X.-Y. Yin. “Robust learning and control of time-delay nonlinear systems with deep recurrent Koopman operators.” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 20(3):4675-4684, 2024. [PDF]

  60. Peng Lv, S. Li and X. Yin*. “Optimal deceptive strategy synthesis for autonomous systems under asymmetric information.” IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, accepted and in press, 2024. [PDF]

  61. Shuaiyi Li, Mengjie Wei, S. Li and X. Yin*. “Temporal logic task planning for autonomous systems with active acquisition of information.” IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, 9(1):1436-1449, 2024. [PDF]

  62. Z. Li, F. Khasawneh, X. Yin*, A. Li and Z. Song. “A new microscopic traffic model using a spring-mass-damper-clutch system.” IEEE Trans. Intelligent Transportation Systems, 21(8): 3322-3331, 2020. [PDF]

  63. Z. Li, S. Bao, I. Kolmanovsky and X. Yin*. “Visual distraction detection using driving performance indicators with naturalistic driving data.” IEEE Trans. Intelligent Transportation Systems, 19(8):2528-2535, 2018. [PDF]

  64. Z. Li, T. Chu, I. Kolmanovsky and X. Yin*. “Training drift counteraction optimal control policies using reinforcement learning: An ACC example.” IEEE Trans. Intelligent Transportation Systems, 19(9):2903-2912, 2018. [PDF]

  65. T. Yang, Z. Zou, S. Li and X. Yin. “Signal temporal logic synthesis under model predictive control: A low complexity approach.” Control Engineering Practice, 143:105782, 2024. [PDF]

  66. Peng Lv, Guangqinq Luo, Z. Ma, S. Li and X. Yin*. “Optimal multi-robot path planning for cyclic tasks using Petri nets.” Control Engineering Practice, 138:105600, 2023. [PDF]

  67. Xinyi Yu, X. Yin, S. Li and Z. Li. “Security-preserving multi-agent coordination for complex temporal logic tasks.” Control Engineering Practice, 123:105130, 2022. [PDF]

  68. X. Yin, Z. Li and W. Wang. “Trajectory detectability of discrete-event systems.” Systems & Control Letters, 119:101-107, 2018. [PDF]

  69. Z. Li, T. Chu, I. Kolmanovsky, X. Yin* and X.-Y. Yin. “Cloud resource allocation for Vehicle-to-Cloud-to-Vehicle applications.” Mechatronics, 50:356-365, 2018. [PDF]

  70. Weijie Dong, S. Li, and X. Yin*. “Decentralized fault diagnosis of discrete-event systems with unreliable sensors using linear temporal logic.” SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences, 68(1):112207, 2025.

Peer-Reviewed Conference Papers

  1. Yu Chen, X.-Y. Yin, S. Li, and X. Yin. “Optimal control synthesis of Markov decision processes for efficiency with surveillance tasks .” in 63rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, accepted, 2024.

  2. Weijie Dong, B. Zhong, X. Yin and M. Zamani. “Veriffcation of approximate prognosability via barrier certiffcates.” in 63rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, accepted, 2024.

  3. J. Wang, S. Baldi, W. Yu and X. Yin. “Fault diagnosis and prognosis in partially-observed discrete event systems with delayed observations.” in 63rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, accepted, 2024.

  4. Siqi Wang, X.-Y. Yin, S. Li, and X. Yin. “Tractable reinforcement learning for signal temporal logic tasks with counterfactual experience replay.” in 63rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, L-CSS option, accepted, 2024.

  5. Junyue Huang, Chuwei Wang, Xinyi Yu and X. Yin. “Self-triggered model predictive control for signal temporal logic tasks.” in 20th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, accepted, 2024.

  6. Peng Lv, S. Li and X. Yin. “Multi-agent path planning for finite horizon tasks with counting time temporal logics.” in 20th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, accepted, 2024.
    (Best Application Paper Award)

  7. Bowen Ye, Jianing Zhao, S. Li and X. Yin. “Prioritize team actions: multi-agent temporal logic task planning with ordering constraints.” in 20th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, accepted, 2024.

  8. Peng Lv, G. Luo, Z. He, X. Li and X. Yin. “Formal control synthesis via safe reinforcement learning under real-time specifications.” in 18th IEEE International Conference on Control & Automation, 2024.

  9. Chen Chen, S. Li and X. Yin. “ Uncertainty-aware reactive control for signal temporal logic with unknown obstacles.” in Asian Control Conference, 2024.

  10. B. Zhong, W. Dong, X. Yin and M. Zamani. “Verification of diagnosability for cyber-physical systems via hybrid barrier certificates.” in 8th IFAC Conference on Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems, 2024.

  11. Bohan Cui, Z. Ma, A. Giua and X. Yin. “Better late than never: On epistemic diagnosability of discrete event systems.” in 17th International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems, 2024.

  12. Y. Ji and X. Yin. “Robust control of metric discrete event systems against bounded disturbances; in 17th International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems, 2024.

  13. Ruijia Liu, S. Li and X. Yin. “NNgTL: Neural network guided optimal temporal logic task planning for mobile robots.” in IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pp. 10496-10502, 2024. [PDF]

  14. Siqi Wang, S. Li and X. Yin. “Synthesis of temporally-robust policies for signal temporal logic tasks using reinforcement learning.” in IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pp. 10503-10509, 2024. [PDF]

  15. Xinyi Yu, Chuwei Wang, Dingran Yuan, S. Li and X. Yin. “Model predictive control for signal temporal logic specifications with time interval decomposition.” in 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 7843-7849, 2023. [PDF]

  16. Xinyi Yu, X. Yin and L. Lindemann. “Efficient control synthesis under asynchronous temporal robustness constraints.” in 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 6841-6848, 2023. [PDF]

  17. Bohan Cui, A. Giua and X. Yin. “Towards supervisory control theory in tactical environments: A Stackelberg game approach.” in 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 7931-7937, 2023. [PDF]

  18. Yu Chen, C. Shang, X. Huang and X. Yin. “Data-driven safe controller synthesis for deterministic systems: A posteriori method with validation tests.” in 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 7982-7987, 2023. [PDF]

  19. Weijie Dong, S. Li and X. Yin . “Diagnosis of time-sensitive failures in timed discrete-event systems with metric interval temporal logics.” in 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 6821-6827, 2023. [PDF]

  20. Junyao Hou, S. Liu, X. Yin and M. Zamani. “Abstraction-based synthesis of controllers for approximate opacity.” in 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 7924-7930, 2023. [PDF]

  21. W. Shi, Z. He, Z. Ma, N. Ran and X. Yin. “Security-preserving multi-robot path planning for Boolean specification tasks using labeled Petri nets.” in 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, L-CSS option, 2023. [PDF]

  22. Feifei Huang, S. Li and X. Yin. “Synthesis of failure-robust plans for multi-robot systems under temporal logic specifications.” in 19th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, 2023. [PDF]

  23. Yu Chen, Shuo Yang, R. Mangharam and X. Yin. “You don’t know when I will arrive: Unpredictable controller synthesis for temporal logic tasks.” in 22nd IFAC World Congress, pp. 3967-3973, 2023. [PDF]

  24. Yu Chen, S. Li and X. Yin. “Entropy rate maximization of Markov decision processes for surveillance tasks.” in 22nd IFAC World Congress, pp. 5012-5018, 2023. [PDF]

  25. Jianing Zhao, Keyi Zhu, S. Li and X. Yin. “To explore or not to explore: Regret-based LTL planning in partially-known environments.” in 22nd IFAC World Congress, pp. 12171-12177, 2023. [PDF]

  26. Jianing Zhao, Shuqi Wang and X. Yin. “Failure-aware self-diagnostic task planning under temporal logic specifications.” in 22nd IFAC World Congress, pp. 4993-4999, 2023. [PDF]

  27. Jingshi Yao, S. Li, X.-Y. Yin and X. Yin. “Attack-resilient supervisory control under energy-bounded attacks.” in 22nd IFAC World Congress, pp. 10344-10349, 2023. [PDF]

  28. Shuaiyi Li, S. Li and X. Yin. “Synthesis of non-blocking controllers for linear temporal logic tasks under partial observations .” in 22nd IFAC World Congress, pp. 12184-12190, 2023. [PDF]

  29. Junyao Hou, S. Liu, X. Yin and M. Zamani. “Abstraction-based verification of approximate pre-opacity for control systems.” in American Control Conference, L-CSS option, 2023. [PDF]

  30. Bohan Cui, Keyi Zhu, S. Li and X. Yin. “Security-aware reinforcement learning under linear temporal logic specifications.” in IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pp. 12367-12373, 2023. [PDF]

  31. Xinyi Yu, Weijie Dong, X. Yin and S. Li. “Online monitoring of dynamic systems for signal temporal logic specifications with model information.” in 61st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 1553-1559, 2022. [PDF]

  32. Jingshi Yao, X. Yin and S. Li. “Sensor deception attacks against initial-state privacy in supervisory control systems.” in 61st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 4839-4845, 2022. [PDF]

  33. Weijie Dong, Shang Gao, X. Yin and S. Li. “Fault diagnosis of discrete-event systems under non-deterministic observations with output fairness.” in 61st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 4256-4262, 2022. [PDF]

  34. Peng Lv, Guangqing Luo, X. Yin, Z. Ma and S. Li. “Optimal multi-robot path planning for cyclic tasks using Petri nets.” in 16th International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems, pp. 9-15, 2022. [PDF]

  35. Bohan Cui, X. Yin, S. Li and A. Giua. “You don't know what I know: On notion of high-order opacity in discrete-event systems.” in 16th International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems, pp. 135-141, 2022. [PDF]

  36. Weijie Dong, K. Zhang, X. Yin and S. Li. “On the verification of detectability for timed systems.” in American Control Conference, pp. 3752-3758, 2022. [PDF]

  37. Yingying Liu, X. Yin and S. Li. “To transmit or not to transmit: optimal sensor scheduling for remote state estimation of discrete-event systems .” in American Control Conference, pp. 4483-4489, 2022. [PDF]

  38. Jiawei Zhao, X. Yin and S. Li. “Temporal logic robot task planning with active acquisition of information.” in 17th IEEE International Conference on Control & Automation, pp. 1014-1020,2022. [PDF]

  39. Feifei Huang, X. Yin and S. Li. “ Failure-robust multi-robot tasks planning under linear temporal logic specifications.” in Asian Control Conference, pp. 1052-1059, 2022. [PDF]

  40. Yifan Xie, X. Yin, S. Li and M. Zamani. “Secure-by-construction controller synthesis for stochastic systems under linear temporal logic specifications.” in 60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 7015-7021, 2021. [PDF]
    (TC DES Outstanding Student Paper Award)

  41. Peng Lv, X. Yin, Y. Ji and S. Li. “A game-theoretical approach for optimal supervisory control of discrete event systems for cyclic tasks.” in 60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 324-330, 2021. [PDF]

  42. Zhaocong Liu, Junyao Hou, X. Yin and S. Li. “Modeling and analysis of networked discrete event systems with multiple control channels.” in 60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 316-323, 2021. [PDF]

  43. Yingying Liu, X. Yin and S. Li. “Distributed sensing and information transmission of discrete-event systems with edge sensors.” in 60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 309-315, 2021. [PDF]

  44. Y. Ji, X. Yin and W. Xiao. “Supervisory control for stabilization under multiple local average payoff constraints.” in 60th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 1054-1061, 2021. [PDF]

  45. Xiaoduo Li, X. Yin and S. Li. “Cooperative event triggered control for multi-robot systems with collision avoidance.” in 40th Chinese Control Conference, pp. 5460-5465, 2021.

  46. Xiaohua Ren, X. Yin and S. Li. “Synthesis of controllers for co-Safe linear temporal Logic specifications using reinforcement learning.” in 40th Chinese Control Conference, pp. 2304-2309, 2021.

  47. Jingshi Yao, X. Yin and S. Li. “On attack mitigation in supervisory control systems: A tolerant control approach.” in 59th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 4504-4510, 2020. [PDF]

  48. Shuo Yang, X. Yin, S. Li and M. Zamani. “Secure-by-construction optimal path planning for linear temporal logic tasks.” in 59th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 4460-4466, 2020. [PDF]

  49. Z. Ma, X. Yin and Z. Li. “Marking diagnosis in labeled Petri nets using basis diagnosers.” in 59th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 4479-4484, 2020. [PDF]

  50. Yifan Xie, X. Yin and S. Li. “Opacity enforcing supervisory control using non-deterministic supervisors.” in 21st IFAC World Congress, 2020. [PDF]

  51. Ziteng Yang, X. Yin and S. Li. “Maximally permissive supervisor control of timed discrete-event systems under partial observation.” in 21st IFAC World Congress, 2020. [PDF]

  52. Y. Ji and X. Yin. “Optimal stabilization of discrete event systems with guaranteed worst cost.” in 21st IFAC World Congress, 2020. [PDF]

  53. Yifan Xie and X. Yin. “Supervisory control of discrete-event systems for infinite-step opacity.” in American Control Conference, pp. 3665-3671, 2020. [PDF]

  54. S. Liu, X. Yin and M. Zamani. “On a notion of approximate opacity for discrete-time stochastic control systems.” in American Control Conference, pp. 5413-5418, 2020. [PDF]

  55. Y. Ji, X. Yin and W. Xiao. “Local mean payoff supervisory control under partial observation.” in 15th International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems, 2020.

  56. Yuanjiang Yang, X. Yin and S. Li. “A distributed framework for multi-robot task planning with temporal logic specifications.” in 16th IEEE International Conference on Control & Automation, 2020.

  57. X. Yin and S. Li. “Opacity of networked supervisory control systems over insecure multiple channel networks.” in 58th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 7641-7646, 2019. [PDF]

  58. Zhaocong Liu, X. Yin, S. Shu and S. Li. “Online supervisory control of networked discrete-event systems with control delays.” in 58th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 6706-6711, 2019. [PDF]

  59. Junyao Hou, X. Yin, S. Li and M. Zamani. “Abstraction-based synthesis of opacity-enforcing controllers using alternating simulation relations.” in 58th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 7653-7658, 2019. [PDF]

  60. Y. Ji, X. Yin and S. Lafortune. “Supervisory control under local mean payoff constraints.” in 58th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 1043-1049, 2019. [PDF]

  61. X. Yin and S. Li. “Supervisory control for delayed detectability of discrete event systems.” in 15th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, pp. 480-485, 2019. [PDF]

  62. Zhaocong Liu, X. Yin and S. Li. “Improved approaches for verifying I-Detectability of discrete-event systems.” in Asian Control Conference, pp. 248-253, 2019. [PDF]

  63. X. Yin and M. Zamani. “Towards approximate opacity of cyber-physical systems.” in 10th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems, pp. 310-311, 2019. [PDF]

  64. X. Yin and S. Li. “Verification of opacity in networked supervisory control systems with insecure control channels.” in 57th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 4851-4856, 2018. [PDF]

  65. Wenqing Wu, X. Yin and S. Li. “Verification of coprognosability in decentralized fault prognosis of labeled Petri nets.” in 57th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 4545-4850, 2018. [PDF]

  66. Y. Ji, X. Yin and S. Lafortune. “Mean payoff supervisory control under partial observation.” in 57th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 3981-3987, 2018. [PDF]

  67. X. Yin. “A framework for opacity in networked supervisory control systems.” in SICE Annual Conference, pp. 1051-1052, 2018. [PDF]

  68. X. Yin and S. Li. “Robust diagnosability and robust prognosability of discrete-event systems revisited.” in IEEE International Conference on CYBER Technology in Automation, Control, and Intelligent Systems, pp. 302-307, 2018. [PDF]

  69. X. Yin and S. Li. “Synthesis of dynamic masks for infinite-step opacity.” in 14th International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems, pp. 377-342, 2018. [PDF]

  70. Y. Ji, X. Yin and S. Lafortune. “Opacity enforcement by insertion functions under energy constraints.” in 14th International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems, pp. 325-331, 2018. [PDF]

  71. X. Yin, Z. Li, W. Wang and S. Li. “Infinite-step opacity of stochastic discrete-event systems.” in Asian Control Conference, pp. 102-107, 2017. [PDF]

  72. X. Yin, M. Morrison, S.-Y. Sheng and S. Lafortune. “DPO-SYNT: Discrete control synthesis for partially-observed systems.” in 20th IFAC World Congress, pp. 6026-6029, 2017. [PDF]

  73. X. Yin and S. Lafortune. “On the maximally-permissive range control problem in partially-observed discrete event systems.” in 55th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 3923-3928, 2016. [PDF]
    (Best Paper Award Finalist)

  74. X. Yin and S. Lafortune. “On two-way observer and its application to the verification of infinite-step and K-step opacity.” in 13th International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems, pp. 361-366, 2016. [PDF]

  75. X. Yin and S. Lafortune. “On maximal permissiveness in partially-observed discrete event systems: Verification and synthesis.” in 13th International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems, pp. 1-7, 2016. [PDF]
    (Best Paper Award Finalist)

  76. X. Yin and S. Lafortune. “A general approach for solving dynamic sensor activation problems for a class of properties.” in 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 3610-3615, 2015. [PDF]

  77. X. Yin and S. Lafortune. “Minimization of sensor activation in decentralized fault diagnosis of discrete event systems.” in 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 1014-1019, 2015. [PDF]

  78. Z.-J. Li, X.-Y. Yin, X. Yin, and C.-H. Wang. “Distributed H-infinity filtering over multiple-channel sensor networks with markovian channel switching.” in 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 7410-7415, 2015. [PDF]

  79. X. Yin and S. Lafortune. “On the relationship between codiagnosability and coobservability under dynamic observations.” in American Control Conference, pp. 390-395, 2015. [PDF]

  80. X. Yin and S. Lafortune. “A new approach for enforcing opacity via supervisory control for partially-observed discrete-event systems.” in American Control Conference, pp. 377-383, 2015. [PDF]

  81. X. Yin and S. Lafortune. “Synthesis of maximally permissive non-blocking supervisors for partially observed discrete event systems.” in 53rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pp. 5156-5162, 2014. [PDF]

  82. X. Yin and S. Lafortune. “A general approach for synthesis of supervisors for partially-observed discrete-event systems.” in 19th IFAC World Congress, pp. 2422-2428, 2014. [PDF]